8 Self-care Tips During the Pandemic

Let’s face it. Our world has been turned upside down in the past few months. Most, if not all, of us are practicing social distance guidelines to stop the spread of the virus.
Practicing self-care is important to our physical and mental well-being more than ever before. We can get so caught up in taking care of others that we sometimes neglect to fulfill our own needs. By focusing on the things that energize our spirit and our mental health, we are better companions to our family, pets, friends, and co-workers. You will be surprised at much more you can accomplish when you feel at your best.
- Get into a routine that fits your personality
I am a very structured person. I love being strategic with my time by filling it with daily routines and to-do lists. I feel energized when I can get as much done as possible in a short amount of time. My husband, on the other hand, is a free spirit and does not like being bogged down by monotonous routines and checklists. His routine will change on day-to-day basis according to what feels right at the time. By understanding that we are all wired differently, it will give you the creativity to dive into your own personal routine that will work for you.
- Focus on one project at a time
Yes, I said one project. Believe it or not, trying to achieve ten different projects simultaneously is counterproductive. I admit that after the shock of the lockdown orders wore off, I started making a huge list of things that I wanted to accomplish during this time. My notebook was filled with organization projects, DIY projects, and a long list of books that I’ve been meaning to read. But as the days went by, I found that I didn’t have the motivation to do any of it. All I wanted to do was go back to bed, pull the covers up, and call it a day. Then I realized that no one was asking me to get these things done. I was putting the pressure on myself to accomplish all of these goals. Once I took the pressure off of myself, it began to feel freeing and I could prioritize my projects one at a time. A long list of massive projects is a lot more daunting than one project to focus on, and you will be more inclined to achieve it than if it were on your “Ten Projects To Complete During Quarantine” list.
- Stick to a daily morning and night skincare routine
When I first started working from home four years ago, this was something that I struggled with all the time. I neglected a do a thorough skin care routine into my daily schedule after washing my face. After reading all the benefits of a healthy 5-10-minute skin care routine, I immediately took action and was impressed with the results. Not only did my skin feel and look healthier, but taking the time to pamper myself somehow brought me joy knowing that I was doing something right for my skin and my body as a whole.
- Stay connected to establish a sense of belonging
I am an introvert; my energy levels quickly get depleted from being around people for long periods of time. I value my alone time and would prefer it in most situations. But once the shelter-in-place orders took effect, I quickly realized how much I missed interacting with people. Companionship is a basic human need and cause emotional anxiety when that need is not filled. Even though it’s not my preferred means of contact, connecting via Zoom or Facetime has certainly rejuvenated me by providing human interaction with people outside of my household. If you have certain friends that you look up to or love to be with, this can help inspire and motivate you to keep achieving your goals.
- Get into a daily exercise routine
We all know that exercise is beneficial on many levels. Not only does it improve our physical health, but it also improves our mental health. Studies show that people who exercise regularly tend to have more energy in the day, feel more relaxed, have more self-confidence, and have a more positive outlook on life. Whether I have 10 minutes or an hour to spare, daily exercise is a vital part of my self-care routine. You will find that as you do this, you will become a lot more productive and energized because you have more trust in the work that you produce and assurance in your life.
- Have grace on others
My family will probably tell you that I can get a little crazy when my normal routine is out of place. Since we are all dealing with a pandemic that most of us have never encountered in life, it can be frustrating to voice how we feel, therefore taking out our frustrations on others. This season has taught me to be patient and have grace on others. This will improve your relationships and improve your emotional health as well.
- Get out the board games
Yes, board games are still alive! One of the blessings during the lockdown is being able to play board games with my family. We had such a great time playing Scrabble, Mexican Train, Connect Four, and other “old-school” games that had never seen the light of day before the lockdown orders. It was one of those “can’t miss” moments that I would not trade for anything.
When was the last time you and your family played a board game or put a puzzle together? Probably not recently or if so, it might have been when the electricity went out and you were forced to do something with your family. But consider voluntarily having a family board game night! Your family will appreciate the bonding time.
- Create a relaxing space without distractions
When I feel stressed by the distractions around me, I know I need to go into café mode. What does that mean? I turn a part of my living room into my own personal café with a big chair, a huge cup of coffee, a good book, and relaxing music. When you feel stressed out, where can you go for tranquility and rejuvenation? This is extremely important to improve your overall mental wellness so that you have a “happy place” to go to when you need it.